Sunday, October 28, 2012

off to school

Kakak yang semangat sekolahnya .. bunda selalu doakan semoga kakak senang di sekolah bergaul dengan teman2 dan ibu bapak guru serta menimba ilmu yang berguna .. 
Kakak sudah jadi kakak yang baik, sering main ke tk untuk liat shafa gimana di kelasnya (shafa ga ada fotonya karena kalau pagi2 dia suka ngambek gak mau di foto)
seeing all of your pictures really made my day ..


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

baru nyadar

Ketika sedang buka2 catatan di hp yg aku punya dari taun 2007 .. tiba2 ketemu deh catatan tentang milestone kaysa yang lengkap abis :
27.01.2007 kaysa timbang 7.2 kg
kaysa bobok sorenya ngences,  Kaysa duduk lama, sekian menit.
31.01.2007 kaysa merangkak mundur
13.02.2007 kaysa duduk horeeh
17.02.2007 kaysa duduk dari tidur, kaysa bisa toss
24.02.2007 kaysa pilek
01.03.2007 kaysa bisa ngomong 'nda' dan 'ayah'. Kaysa bisa tepuk tangan dengan tangan terbuka
03.03.2007 kaysa bisa dadah, bunda didadahin lhoo
04.03.2007 kaysa bisa joged 
19.03.2007 kaysa bisa merangkak
27.03.2007 kaysa bisa berdiri pegangan sama box 5 detik 
06.04.2007 kaysa bisa berdiri pegangan sama box lama sekitar 1 menitan, jatuhnya duduk ngga jungkir balik seperti sebelumnya
08.04.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi pertama
11.04.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi kedua
20.04.2007 kaysa berdiri pegangan satu tangan 
25.04.2007 kaysa bisa merambat
27.04.2007 kaysa pertama sikat gigi
28.04.2007 kaysa pertama keluar kota
26.05.2007 kaysa pertama ke gymboree
27.05.2007 kaysa bisa kiss bye
29.05.2007 kaysa berdiri sendiri, kaysa bisa manjat tempat tidur
09.06.2007 kaysa salto 
12.06.2007 kaysa sit up, kaysa berdiri lumayan lama
13.06.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-3, kaysa berdiri pelan2 terus joged2
16.06.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-4
07.07.2007 kaysa dorong-dorong kursi sendiri 
09.07.2007 kaysa melangkah 2 langkah 
10.07.2007 kaysa bilang 'apa' waktu dipanggil namanya
14.07.2007 kaysa masih ngisep susu yang sudah habis. Ditanya kaysa masih mau lagi ? kaysa menyodorkan botol yang kosong sambil berkata 'lagi'
15.07.2007 kaysa kejedot, terus pas ditanya kepalanya masih sakit ? kaysa jawab 'ngga'
25.07.2007 kaysa melangkah 5-6 langkah
02.08.2007 kaysa bilang 'halo' dan 'apa' ketika ditelpon bunda 
20.08.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-5
22.08.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-6 
26.08.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-7
14.09.2007 kaysa mencret
18.09.2007 kaysa gatel2 alergi
25.09.2007 kaysa manjat kursi sofa
30.09.2007 kaysa bisa nyendokin makanan masuk ke mulutnya tanpa tumpah2 
kaysa ngambil kertas gambarnya yang terlipat, terus dibuka kertasnya di atas lantai, kemudian 
dia mengambil tas kecil yang berisi krayon2nya
02.10.2007 kaysa corat coret dinding
14.10.2007 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-8
31.10.2007 kaysa pertama benjol :( 
03.11.2007 kaysa bilang 'gapapa'
07.11.2007 kaysa duduk2 di tangga teras belakang sambil makan kue dan ngajak ngobrol, kayak orang gede ajah :p
08.11.2007 kaysa nyodorin sepatunya (minta jalan2), ini udah yang kedua kalinya
18.11.2007 pertama kaysa lari 
19.11.2007 pertama kali kaysa mimisan di hidung kiri, gara2 mulutnya kebentur tempat tidur 
11.01.2008 kaysa belajar mewarnai
13.01.2008 kaysa tumbuh gigi geraham kiri 
15.02.2008 kaysa tumbuh gigi ke-10 dan 12
20.02.2008 kaysa buka celana, mau mandi 

gilaa .. detil banget kan .. sampe gigi kesekian2 yang ga terecord sama aku pas shafa dan al .. 
kalau shafa dan al kebanyakan memang difoto yang sampe sekarang belum semuanya terupload :(
apa memang seperti itu ya excitementnya punya anak pertama, kedua dan ketiga slightly berbeda :( 
Insya Allah kedepannya bunda bertekad mau take more pictures and update blog anak2 more often yaa

Thursday, July 26, 2012

mixed feeling

Aarrgh being in this situation is so far from my comfort. Why I have to be so close minded, there are many possibilities in our lives that might bring happiness beyond our expectations !! countless possibilities!! but why I limit myself only into these options ? 

I need to sew right away .. or see my kiddos .. They are my true antidotes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

between bedrooms

Just realized that lately I never slept in the same bedroom. Well to be honest I never had good deep sleep without any interruption ever since my first child born. Sometimes well many times my first and third would awaken in the mid of the night when I'm not around. Either they'd like to be cuddled or asking for milk. 
My second had this allergy so she'd have some cough during her sleep, we checked and sometimes it's caused by her sleeping position, her clothes were open or the air conditioner is too cold / too hot.
Depending on the case so in the morning I could find myself cuddling the first in this bedroom, or overslept after giving milk to the third in that bedroom .. not in a good position (you know my kids would moved around freely in their mattress, so I often ended on the floor or on very rear mattress keeping them from falling).

I wonder is it normal ?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

one morning

Lately my daughter, Shafa loves to play with my camera. She would snap some pictures by herself. I do not know is it accidentally or not but some of the pics are quite nice. Mind my old camera, it has fallen several times / be knocked down by the kiddos so the result are merely not perfect because of the cam itself. 
This is one of the pics, nobody realize we were shoot by the camera. I like it because it reflects our morning ritual breakfast during wekeends.. No body takes a bath yet :P 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

nearly feb

It's nearly february .. then I just realized that it's almost time to check my contraception and pap smear again .. which feels like not long time ago I did that .. So where have I been ? what have I done ?

I check my iphoto's time line , and my blog entries .. and thank God I can remember most of my time this year .. How could this be happened ? Is it because I'm too busy with my routine so I can not remember 2011 that much ?
I just want to make my time useful for myself, my family .. I want to live it to the fullest dunia akherat.. Amin

Monday, January 30, 2012

new working space

Pongs home center are cutting down some of their shelves price .. I've been wanting to buy rigid (but nice) 'factory' shelves because they are more affordable (compared to solid wood shelves). Our stuffs are cluttered and unorganized. So we (I) bought 3 shelves :P
The big one will be used in our (working) bedroom .. Yup I've moved my sewing peripherals to my room. Wanna see ?
(PS : big love to our assistants who moved the unorganized stack of fabrics to the new place)

mm not close enough ?
how about this :

the two sisters were playing games on mommy's laptop.
I am happy with the result, my boy is happy too ..

my camera sucks .. I know :P

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

read and write

My first daughter soon will leave kindy .. going to primary. So she has to be able to read and write. We've tried to taught her, but she interested much if we relate those words with pictures. Like these :

those are her drawings :)