My little fella likes to cry when I brushed his teeth during the early years.. perhaps that's the reason why he has 'geripis' teeth afterwards. My little sister is used to be like that too so I think it's okay until one day I brought him to the dentist. Dentist told me that his gum has abses that needs to be cured. So they begin to cure the cavities, and even give filling to protect the teeth crown. After several weeks, the abscessus is lessen however still a few red dots in his gum. Last Saturday the dentist reopen the last filling and try to sucks the absecessus blood. Mudah2an sembuh yaa deek .. Lopeee
Monday, August 14, 2017
gum abcess
Monday, April 3, 2017
cheese cake and video editing
Last weekend, the kids were surprising me as always. They make me cheese cake .. using graham crackers aka roti marie :D .. recipe courtesy from kk. And the results turn out not bad at all.. yuuummm ..
When we go shopping for the ingredients well actually I was a bit skeptic at that time.. I told kk to pick the ingredients by herself #amtoolazy #badmommy
Surprisingly she pick the biscuit, cream cheese, yogurt all by herself .. she said she created that recipe (inspired by the cooking show, but still) ..
At home, she asked me if I want to help her, I said I don't think so #again..badmommy
then she said, thats ok .. #oww
There she goes busy with the activities with some help from her lil bro and lil sis, well may be it's considered as intrusion but I told the big sis to be patient with her lil bro and lil sis :P
And after one hour at least it's done she asked me to taste it and I like it. She enjoyed my compliment as if it's a huge gift from the sky .. #awwsosweet
Another story is the next day when I told her to start creating the video with the help from her father of course. Apparently her father is too lazy to browse and give her easy tutorial, so with the help of mommy again we create the new movie and as I browse to learn again .. we manage to drag and drop the media, adding text, adding music background etc. After that I just leave her with her things by herself. Some times she asked me to join her not to help her but because she was to scared to be in the room all by herself.
Her lil sissy asked if this is going to be her task when she's as old as her sister. I said yes, her reactions is 'waah repot banget yaa' .. #shockedmommy #pricelessreaction
And we're quite happy with the results ..
Monday, March 20, 2017
I try to post to my soc med, not because I want to show off but I want to be reminded of these memories many years ahead. Now that I don't do blog as often as I used to, I try to post to IG / path just for the sake of capturing those moments. I guess that's why I want to start writing again, about my feeling currently, hopefully it will release the bad feelings, helps me gain more power and makes me feel better again ;)
I know it's nearly my period time, the time when I used to feel 'galau', whether I've done enough in my work and family ? Am I good enough ? Can I be better ? because I want to be better. Am I in the right place ? Should I move to new work place ? If I move / if I get busier with work will I still have time for my children.. If I stay what should I do to make more and so on.. it's a never ending list.. kyaa
But one thing for sure, despite of all the worries, us already have small achievements that should be counted on :
1. I have paid 4 days of fasting .. yeaay 43 days to go :P
2. Husband and I have regularly go jog .. though not much of distance but it's nice to have sweat once / twice a week
3. My FD always finish on time #yesitsworkrelated
4. This month marking my last trip to Japan bills is paid off
5. This month marking shaf's last medical bills is paid off
6. Children made a lot of progression on their school reports
7. and other stuff apart from school too, better than I used to be on their age
8. Our house is always full of food Alhamdulillah, clean and tidy too
9. the kids is having good education, they don't have to worry on how to go and get back from school
10. they also have their lesson outside school too
11. I can buy their favorite toys
12. Husband and I can help our parents pay their bills too
Hopefully starting next month I can save a whole lot more, getting closer to my next dream, not to forget to save for future self too.
My mum once said that I already have many bags and I can borrow hers too, She said I should not buy more bags but saving for upgrading my car instead :P
May be it's God plan that I have to undergo much painful process so I'm a lot happy when my Kay get 100 on her test, or she can master new song so eloquently or Shaf can make more friends or She can finally said No if someone bugging him or Al can finally learn how to kick and being counted on his football team .. or saving every penny can finally bring me closer to my dream car :D