I can't count the blessings that had been given to me .. thank you dear God for everything
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My husband is away for business trips .. which is sucks cause today is my bday..
I can't asked for a leave since my leave quota is dedicated for next month when my nanny will go to visit her hometown.
My boss .. well he said I've been asking too many times for permission leave :P ..
so I end up here in my office doing daily routine ..
Since a few weeks ago my fellow mommies talked about schools for their kids.. some are thinking of putting their kids to another school which they think is more qualified. I found many schools have better methods but looking at their tuition .. I repel sending my kids to go there. I found my kids current school is not that bad .. well many times I was disappointed cause the teacher could not give more attention to my kids, but when I'm in his/her position I'd probably do the same. There are 20+ kids in the classroom so it's hard to maintain our emotions and keep being cheerful/nice and at the same time pay good attentions to every kid.
In reality, kids need to be faced that the environment sometimes are not that friendly. Sometimes we have to fight and strive to get what we want, not waiting until someone give it to us. So I try not to rely on the school too much. Teacher are human like us too, and they can not guarantee that our children will be able to do math/reading through their studying time at school. We as parents still need to guide our children, thought them what they need to know in a fun way. We know them more than their teacher knows them, and we have plenty of time to spend with them, so I think parents are still better teacher for their children.
>>Praying and hoping that our kids can go through whatever curriculum set for them, and be successful leaders in the future<<
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
specially made for miss D
Finally they're finished :)
I'm quite happy looking how they turned out .. hope miss D will like it as well.
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