My mom bought this knit fabric for her top, she asked me to sew it.. Oh, as long as the fabric is not too expensive I'd love to do it. I trace her top to make the pattern, the chest part supposed to be wavy .. after I sewed it, it turned out very odd .. I cut it, and try again.. after several attempts I use straight cut for the chest and it turned out okay, but resulting in a shorter top (too short for my mom) :P I'm sorry mom, better luck next time ^^Another project is remodel my daughter's legging .. the legging is supposed to have ruffles in its bottom, but I don't know what I was thinking at that time, I only used half part of my cut fabrics .. so the ruffle is not too puffy. I want to remodel it using lace fabrics, it takes only 5 minutes to cut the old ruffle and sew the new lace fabric. Love the result.
Monday, April 25, 2011
moms knit top
Sunday, April 24, 2011
planning my 2nd child preschool
I've been browsing and surveying some preschool near our house ..
it seems so easy when I did this 2 years ago for my oldest .. but now that my oldest will enter primary next year .. and my second will enter kindy too next year, I'm calculating and .. I have to take a very deep breath .. the numbers are there ..
my husband and I will have to work hard in making .. planning.. budgeting.. executing everything in order for us to achieve the goals; able to put our kids in their dream school with our own money ..
Fingers crossed .. believe in ourselves that we can do it .. God will lead us the way .. Insya Allah ..
Sunday, April 17, 2011
dc cupcakes
I just watched the serial last night, and I love it! together with junior master chef Australia is a perfect weekend wrapped up for me. My daughter like it as well she began to draw picture of cakes with some figurine (picture soon), and she insisted me to make that cake last night. I was so tired and I didn't have any cake supplies .. so I passed it, she cried and I have to persuade her and make her calm.
I promise I will buy the cake supplies tomorrow so we can bake anytime we like. And make cupcakes !
I was horrible in making big cakes (it failed the first time and I have no courage to make the second one) .. and it will result in huge cake and no body can finish it so it ended up in trash :( that's why I prefer baking small amount of cookies or cakes (cupcakes sounds good rite ?).
picture from :
Thursday, April 14, 2011
pojok utak atik
I love blogwalking, mostly I visit blog that tells their motherhood stories and their craftiness ..
Today I found this blog 'pojok utak atik' and what a sweet coincidence, she's hosting a give away
If you happen to like crafting or love to see anything cute, check out and visit her blog. She also have some tutorials for Do It Yourself project.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
my modem is back
Finally, my modem is back .. well not exactly back, I bought the new one :(
my recent modem is discontinued, and I don't know when and where I can get its battery *sigh ..
anyhow, now I can update and upload my pending posts (some of the posts are historical so it may not appear in the first page) ^^