it's new year's eve and I'm still stuck at the office .. hopefully we can go home by 15.00
I've bought the lollies that Shafa and Kaysa had been asking for ..
while doing my work it always relieving for me to stroll around LolaLolyBugsy photos. Here they are :
Friday, December 30, 2011
a glimpse of LolaLolyBugsy
Thursday, December 29, 2011
another year
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
tough week
Because our nanny is visiting her hometown .. I managed to get my annual leave ( with note : that I'm available on call if there's any urgent matters, alritey then ) ..
A lot of work to be done to maintain our house not too damaged (caused by my three little rascals creativity) .. but I enjoyed every minute of it. My favorite moments :
- when I mop the floor, and Al wants to walk on it.. I told him not too because it's slippery. What he did : he tip toed !!
- when Shafa told me why she refused to go outside because she envied her sister playing with other cousins
- when Al refuse to take a nap, and wanted to accompany me had lunch .. and after a few minutes he fell asleep while hugging me
- when Kaysa and I laugh hard after commenting her fellow friends / school activities
- when Shafa and Al wanted to eat their meal hastily
- our day off at fun world / bambino grand indo after daddy went to his office to sign some papers (it's on thursday afternoon until 10 pm wohoooo)
and many more (i should've wrote it before they slipped my mind)
But now the nannies are back, so mom need to get back to work, back to oriflame, lolalolybugsy and many other matters .. but I treasure my last week with the kiddos .. and I miss them already much :'(
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My husband is away for business trips .. which is sucks cause today is my bday..
I can't asked for a leave since my leave quota is dedicated for next month when my nanny will go to visit her hometown.
My boss .. well he said I've been asking too many times for permission leave :P ..
so I end up here in my office doing daily routine ..
Since a few weeks ago my fellow mommies talked about schools for their kids.. some are thinking of putting their kids to another school which they think is more qualified. I found many schools have better methods but looking at their tuition .. I repel sending my kids to go there. I found my kids current school is not that bad .. well many times I was disappointed cause the teacher could not give more attention to my kids, but when I'm in his/her position I'd probably do the same. There are 20+ kids in the classroom so it's hard to maintain our emotions and keep being cheerful/nice and at the same time pay good attentions to every kid.
In reality, kids need to be faced that the environment sometimes are not that friendly. Sometimes we have to fight and strive to get what we want, not waiting until someone give it to us. So I try not to rely on the school too much. Teacher are human like us too, and they can not guarantee that our children will be able to do math/reading through their studying time at school. We as parents still need to guide our children, thought them what they need to know in a fun way. We know them more than their teacher knows them, and we have plenty of time to spend with them, so I think parents are still better teacher for their children.
>>Praying and hoping that our kids can go through whatever curriculum set for them, and be successful leaders in the future<<
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
specially made for miss D
Finally they're finished :)
I'm quite happy looking how they turned out .. hope miss D will like it as well.
Like us on facebook LolaLolyBugsy to see more goodies ;)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
some medicine note
My 3 kids are often got caught on flu, sore throat, and fever. Our companies don't cover our kids out patient .. and you know how expensive if we need to go to doctor every time our kids suffer from a disease .. It can cost 300-400rb IDR per children.
Luckily my dear aunt is a pediatrics so I often consult with her. From time to time, my children were given similar prescriptions;
If they got fever caused by an infection (which you can see from their throat, it should be reddish), she would prescribed amoxsan syrup (from baby until 15kg) or amoxsan forte syrup (from 15 kg). Those are antibiotics that should be finished in 3-4 days. Do not let our kids drink any milk before and after they took the antibiotics. Allow 30mins - 1 hour time in between.
If they got a flu/sore throat (not the heavy one), I give them natrabio cough and flu syrup. It cost us 150rb per bottle, but it is made from herbal medicine so it's safe for our kids.
If they got a quite heavy cough / sore throat, they should be given mucopect/mucos/any syrup with ambroxol when the cough came with slam. For dry cough, my aunt often recommends transpulmin (1/2 sdt for children under 2 years old).
Monday, June 13, 2011
is it ok ?
I'm having my period and my mood is a bit jumpy ..
I realized that I really need to loose some weights so I plan to do little exercise every night. I looked for the video over Youtube.
However, my daughters last night are watching youtube for princesses movie .. after 9 o'clock I beg them to switch for my video (please.. mommy really need some exercise). You know how kids can be so selfish ? I really don't know the best way to handle it. Sometimes I told them nicely to share with others .. and last night it didn't work. So I started to use higher tone, because I don't want them to be selfish. And I want them to respect their parents.. I know it sounds horrible when you speak like that to your children. It might make you like a bad mom who didn't love their kids .. but at the same time kids should know there are boundaries ..
(well I prefer to do it in a room with no one else around).
Enough about my rambling. I want to post a knit dress I made for my 2nd daughter. I just love the color combo.
I don't know why Shafa posed like that (with holding the cup as is she's drinking something). Well that girl is something ^^
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
stop press
Stop press !!! my baby boy is standing !!!
well he's been doing that since weeks ago, but not as high as this one .. and not as long as this one too
I know this milestone might be a bit late compared to other kids, but who cares ?we are currently sad .. because our fridge (given by my parents) is broken .. I'm really really hoping it could get fixed tomorrow (without much costs). Why we're so sad ? because we used to put many food for kids / for stock in it. Since I'm working I don't have much time to do grocery, so I tend to buy many food for stock.
Yesterday I bought this frozen butter croissant, but since the fridge is broken, the butter croissants were expanding, popped and ready to explode. My kids are playing with it, my nannies didn't know what to do and too busy with the kids. When I found out after I got home, I hurriedly open it up and bake them .. Thank goodness they are still in good conditions.
Do you know that my girls adore their baby brother? They do, they like to hug him, kiss him .. which I think is very cute ^^
PS : all pictures were taken by my nanny since it all happening when I was in the office / at the road "P
Friday, May 6, 2011
not in a good mood
Today I'm not in a good mood, although it's weekend already. I know it's not a good thing to write, but I just want to express whatever I feel so I can feel much better after that.
Some people commented that my baby boy is too skinny, and he might have some worms inside his tummy .. I hope that's not true ..
All of my 3 kids just suffered from a fever this week, yes it's been a tough week for us. Their weight might be decreasing.
I've been postponing my kids vaccination schedule because of their diseases .. Thank God 2 of 3 kids are healthy today, so our job for the next few days it too fulfill their appetite so they can compensate their weight loss.
I just registered my second child preschool. Everyday I always update my budget sheet .. and whenever I go to the market I always told myself not too buy anything apart from my plan (hate doing it :( ) .. but it's for our own good sake.
Whenever I feel bad like this I always want to do shopping, and I've been longing for fabric shopping for weeks now :( I know I already had lots of fabrics, but having many patterns is good for my creativity :)
Alhamdulillah one customer of mine ordered another dress for her child, it's using shirring method which is new for me. I just shirred the front part. I plan to make the pattern today, hopefully I can finish the dress on sunday.
Oh and also, my dearest baby boy birthday is yesterday! we didn't do anything fancy, just order a 3D cars birthday cake and my kids blowing the candle in the morning. Dek Al, bunda loves you soo much, bunda did make some prayers for you, it's not only for your birthday.. Bunda tries to do it as often as bunda could :)Another news, I found a dress made by overseas designer quite similar like the dress I made a year ago !!
I feel so overwhelmed, *ge er maksudnya :)
source from
my dress :
Monday, April 25, 2011
moms knit top
My mom bought this knit fabric for her top, she asked me to sew it.. Oh, as long as the fabric is not too expensive I'd love to do it. I trace her top to make the pattern, the chest part supposed to be wavy .. after I sewed it, it turned out very odd .. I cut it, and try again.. after several attempts I use straight cut for the chest and it turned out okay, but resulting in a shorter top (too short for my mom) :P I'm sorry mom, better luck next time ^^Another project is remodel my daughter's legging .. the legging is supposed to have ruffles in its bottom, but I don't know what I was thinking at that time, I only used half part of my cut fabrics .. so the ruffle is not too puffy. I want to remodel it using lace fabrics, it takes only 5 minutes to cut the old ruffle and sew the new lace fabric. Love the result.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
planning my 2nd child preschool
I've been browsing and surveying some preschool near our house ..
it seems so easy when I did this 2 years ago for my oldest .. but now that my oldest will enter primary next year .. and my second will enter kindy too next year, I'm calculating and .. I have to take a very deep breath .. the numbers are there ..
my husband and I will have to work hard in making .. planning.. budgeting.. executing everything in order for us to achieve the goals; able to put our kids in their dream school with our own money ..
Fingers crossed .. believe in ourselves that we can do it .. God will lead us the way .. Insya Allah ..
Sunday, April 17, 2011
dc cupcakes
I just watched the serial last night, and I love it! together with junior master chef Australia is a perfect weekend wrapped up for me. My daughter like it as well she began to draw picture of cakes with some figurine (picture soon), and she insisted me to make that cake last night. I was so tired and I didn't have any cake supplies .. so I passed it, she cried and I have to persuade her and make her calm.
I promise I will buy the cake supplies tomorrow so we can bake anytime we like. And make cupcakes !
I was horrible in making big cakes (it failed the first time and I have no courage to make the second one) .. and it will result in huge cake and no body can finish it so it ended up in trash :( that's why I prefer baking small amount of cookies or cakes (cupcakes sounds good rite ?).
picture from :
Thursday, April 14, 2011
pojok utak atik
I love blogwalking, mostly I visit blog that tells their motherhood stories and their craftiness ..
Today I found this blog 'pojok utak atik' and what a sweet coincidence, she's hosting a give away
If you happen to like crafting or love to see anything cute, check out and visit her blog. She also have some tutorials for Do It Yourself project.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
my modem is back
Finally, my modem is back .. well not exactly back, I bought the new one :(
my recent modem is discontinued, and I don't know when and where I can get its battery *sigh ..
anyhow, now I can update and upload my pending posts (some of the posts are historical so it may not appear in the first page) ^^
Thursday, March 31, 2011
the reason
I soo want to update my 3 .. mm 4 blogs .. with few good pictures of course .. but soo many things are on the way .
First my notebook was hospitalized last week .. after it recovered, my modem battery needs to be replaced .. :(
I have to buy the battery in itc roxy *how I gonna ever to go there ??
I'm hoping my husband could go there .. but don't know when he has the time.
Soo many pending projects .. but luckily it's not for anybody's order yet ^^
Oh and I have new nephew !! that's one big news rite ? I went to the hospital several times and this weekend
my sis asked me to teach her how to baby sit *oh .. as if I'm the expert :">
Will post his cute little face soon !!
Friday, March 25, 2011
present for raoul
My nephew's birthday was on January .. but because of this and that, I managed to give the presents this march .. Please forgive your lazy auntie Raoul ^^
I made the robot applique and attach it to the existing oblong top and also made the pants using combined woven cotton (it surely is comfortable) .. Al will have the same pants too (it's not sewn yet ^^).
Monday, March 21, 2011
friends wedding
We went to friends wedding last Sunday. It was held in Bandung, Bumi Sangkuriang. It's an outdoor party (good thing because the building is old, so it will need lots of decoration). I'm in love with the decorator taste .. they are into details, very neat, creative. I always adore Bandung atmosphere and their talented artists .. somehow together they really make the 'Bandung Paris van Java' idiom come into reality.
I wish I brought my kids here, the view is spacious, I'm sure they would love to play in there .. But I remember that our reason is to avoid morning rush with the kids, their boredom in the way to Bandung and also their impatience of waiting their mommy shopping :)
first crunches, done !
Okay, the excess fat in my tummy really2 annoys me .. It's hard for me to find the right size of pants without squeezing my tummy .. i know, it's been my problem since my first delivery, but after three consecutive pregnancies and deliveries, the excess fat I had now is the biggest ..
At first, I want join aerobic classes, but I don't think I have the time. So last night I did several crunches in bed. After 20 sit ups, I was lack of breath .. *ngos2an ceritanya ..
but my oldest was cheering me up .. She said 'Ayo bunda, olahraga (come on bunda, keep practising) !'
she tried to do the same exercise .. I was so touched ;')
I plan to do this every night .. wish me luck
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
arisan RT
It's my first time hosting arisan RT (group of people in our community gather around to collect some money for public services and chit chat in) .. There will be around 30 people coming, and with the 250k rupiah given I should be able to provide some snacks and light meal. So we're making soto mie from here, and I bought the snacks from the pastry shop. The result is quite delightful (thanks to my lovely assistants, and it cost us around 300-350k (include the extra tips for my assistants) .
nutella cookies
My daughter is so persistent she made me make a choc.olate chip cookie last sunday .. with any supply you had (she wouldn't care if I don't have this and that, I have to make it !)
ok, if its not because of her persistency, I might never discover this recipe by myself.
my lack of cocoa powder supply brings this recipe to another account.
check it out :
Ingredients :
140gr flour
100gr caster sugar
1 egg
75gr margarine
2 sachet of koko crunch
chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (soda kue)
1 teaspoon vanilla crystal
pinch of salt
2 tablespoon of nutella
how to :
mix together flour, caster sugar, baking powder, vanilla, baking soda, salt and nutella
in separate bowl, mix or blend margarine and egg until they are soft and well beaten
crush the koko crunch into little crumbs
put it inside the flour mix, and then put the margarine-egg blend also
stir it using big spoon until they change color into chocolate and until evenly beaten
last but not least, pour the chocolate chips inside the cookie dough
preheat the oven 150-180 C. I use 150 C because of the power consumption ;P
meanwhile, prepare the bread paper on top of the loyang
kids could help shaping the cookie dough ..
careful, you might caught them eating the dough ;)
bake the cookie 15-30 min depending on the temperature you used.
do not bake too long if you want to get the chewy version
there you go, its soo easy.
your kid could also help stuffing the cookies inside the cookie jar ..
as you can see, my oldest didn't care about the cookies anymore (that's sooo her !)
voila .. all done (clap clap clap)
yes you can keep it dear ;) don't forget to share it to your little brother ..
he has been peeking all day long
Sunday, March 13, 2011
playing with my pocket
Husband knows how much I want to purchase new SLR .. I want it badly ..
but we are in a situation that it has to come after other priorities ..
I must not complain, I have blessed with soo many things that I could not mention one by one ..
In the mean time, I play around with my pocket ;)
I bought it 2.5 years ago, a few days before the birth of Shafa .. we have to document it right ?
it cost us 1.5 mill (klo gak salah).my pile of tutu project
window hook
piece of laundry
all images are taken originally from my camera without any alteration nor enhancement.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
shafa 5 mon
I nearly forgot how cute shafa was when she's 5 month old.
Look at her now (32 mon), soo pretty and girly. Her smile could melt any hearts away.
Shafa, eat well ok.. It really hurts Bunda everytime Bunda received news from the nannies that you do not want to eat rice .. or when it took 1-2 hours for you to finish the meal (with several 'lepehan' of course).
I love you soo pumpkin ..
Monday, February 28, 2011
playing around with SLR camera
My husband's friend is so kind that he lent us his SLR .. we use it last weekend, and the result really really beautiful .. all (well most of the) photos came out really clear and into details .. it's best when used outside without flash. We're hoping that soon we can purchase one .. hehe.. the good version of course (praying praying)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
this is really scary
Just found this article from the internet .. really scary phenomena, but reminded me as parents to spend more quality time with my children, teach them more in prayers, and reading Qur'an (which I also seldom do :( ) .
I do not know about other parents, but luckily my husband and I are not gamers, we play games sometimes but not that much ..
I don't know about boys, but my girls are not into games too. When my boy is grown up we might let him know that according to us games are for entertainment only.. that's all, apart from that it will bring no good, so use your time wisely.
my second order
Just finished up my second order; sooo happy about it.
My middle child is wearing two of them .. a bit too large for her.
Currently I'm doing another tutu projects .. if I have the time, should be finished this week (yup, it so hard to find free time nowadays, I'd rather spend my time playing with the kids).
Office space is not too friendly nowadays, well still trying to be cheerful and happy and try not too worry about it. I'm sure that God will lead me the best way, I'm strong and not afraid of anything because I have Him..
Still, my kids will always brighten my day after I got home.. Love them all.. muaah
A friend of mine, asked which kids is our fave .. well to be honest, we love them all the same, they're different between one and another.. and our home will never be the same without them ..
My oldest yesterday made this vegetable person (probably she was inspired by the tv show). She asked me for vegetables early in the morning .. after getting what she wanted to do, I gather the onion leaves, baby carrot etc .. Here's the result. She also made the illustration. Cute rite ?
Friday, January 7, 2011
my kids fave things
first kid :
food : chocolate, pizza, fried chicken, milk, noodles, ice cream, eggs
activities : drawing, singing, dancing, painting, music, pretending phoning her friends
characters : princess for sure, especially cinderella
colors : pink !!
second kid :
food : white rice, koko crunch, soup, ice cream, french fries
activities : drawing, watching cartoon (imos, chipmunks), playing with neighbors, pretending phoning her friends
characters : imos (mickey mouse and minnie mouse)
colors : anything colorful
third kid :
food : bubur susu, milk, bubur tim with kaldu ayam, kaldu daging, baby choice, roti sobek
activities : crawling around here and there, biting and drooling, saying 'wawawa', eating, rolling around extremely (he believes he could move in many ways many turns without injuring himself)
characters : to be determined
colors : anything colorful
their similarities : cheerful, love to smile, love to fool around (jail semuanyaa), friendly to people