I've had tried cheese cake from that place and that place and that place .. They're all good .. But to me, the best is the cheese cake I've had is the one served in 4 seasons jakarta .. A friend of mine invited me dinner over there, I managed to stash a few pieces of cheese cake into my bag LOL .. Well, when you're eating buffet, your tummy is too full for too many desserts right ?
Hmm, the cheese cake taste like ordinary cheese cake but with the additional strawberry flavor mixed into it .. So it's not too sweet nor too creamy .. probably because of the fresh and sour favor of strawberry which covers the original flavor of cheese cake ..
I wonder do they sell it separately ?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
the best cheese cake - according to me
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
what kind of names do you like ?
You Like Names That Are Unique and Trendy |
You tend to prefer names that are up and coming. You wouldn't dare name your kid or pet last year's hot name. You think names should be stylish, modern, and interesting... But not so unique that they're hard to pronounce! Some female names you might like: Alexa, Brooklyn, Cheyenne, Danica, Elle, Kennedy, Maya, and Raven Some male names you might like: Aidan, Hunter, Marco, Preston, Quentin, Riley, and Tate |
Saturday, July 25, 2009
our weekend getaway
It's been months since the last time I went to Bandung .. so I was very excited !! It's the first time we went to Bandung together with Kaysa and Shafa .. woww it's Shafa first time then .. I'm sure she will falling in love with Bandung like her parents .. xixixi ..
Thanks to Ican's wedding invitation, otherwise we wouldn't have any reason to go to Bandung ..
After the wedding we went to our new and soon to be our favorite placess ; the secret for my shopping indulgence and sausage house for the kids activities and playground !! Yay !! It's been a very nice weekend.
Friday, July 24, 2009
which one is better
Ternyata kemampuan scrappingku masih far from good .. masih banyak yg dewa2 .. hohoho .. no wonder kemaren gak kepilih jd creative team :P .. sekarang jg masih jiper buat apply .. nanti deh ya .. kayak yang di bawah ini .. pertama aku posting yang putih .. tp kok kayaknya aneh gitu .. terus aku rubah jadi yang item .. Which one is better ?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
what place you should spend your summer at ?
You Should Spend Your Summer in the City |
You're a trooper, and the summer heat doesn't really get to you. So you rather stay in the city, where you can sip iced lattes and go to midnight movies. Forget the beach! You rather be where the good restaurants and stores are. |
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
setaun yang lalu
Setaun yang lalu, jam segini .. Aku mungkin lagi terbaring di tempat tidur rs, sambil didorong sama suster ke kamar inapku .. dengan bayi mungil di dekapanku .. seakan ingin menunjukkan kepada seisi dunia .. kami sudah melewati medan pertempuran dengan selamat .. Alhamdulillah ..
Semua orang menepi memberi jalan kepada kami, pandangan mereka sudah pasti kepada kami .. tatapan mereka berbinar melihat bayi mungil yang tengah tertidur .. sang bayi seakan memancarkan cahaya yang membuat siapapun yang memandangnya merasakan bahagia dan indahnya dunia .. yes they're smiling .. eventhough they don't know us .. some of them told their kids 'liat adek bayinya lucu yaa ..' anak2 mereka pun dengan tulusnya memuji bayi mungil yang tengah kudekap ..
Yes Shafa, you are that special .. kehadiranmu membius kami semua yang berada di dekatmu, menghilangkan rasa sedih, marah, gundah .. yang ada hanyalah keceriaan ..
Dan kini, genap setahun sudah usiamu .. bunda selalu bahagia jika melihat wajahmu .. your smile, your eyes are sooo beatiful .. memancarkan cahaya murni dan bening .. seperti namamu ..
Selamat ulang tahun Nak .. semoga engkau selalu dilindungi Allah .. dan tumbuh menjadi umatNya yang sempurna lahir dan batin ..
Friday, July 10, 2009
about today's weather
Today's weather is pretty much the same like a few weeks behind .. it's truely hot !! hotter than last year .. when I went out during lunch I have to open the car window wide enough so the hot air will go out of my car .. it's not nice being trapped with hot air inside the cabin .. But now, looks like the clouds are ready to pour the heavy burden they got inside .. I think it's going to rain ..
Considering the weather in Jakarta lately, I need to water the plants twice a day .. here's the pic a few months ago .. my plant was blooming at that time .. but now, they're dying .. hikss ..
Sunday, July 5, 2009
june 2009
Oh no, it's monday again .. I still want to play my daughters .. oh well .. using our last effort, I made it to the office at 10am .. Luckily, my boss is not around .. piuuuh ..
checked some emails, nothing's serious .. so I checked my forum and then scrapped and posted one challenge .. hehe .. the challenge is to scrap the things that happened in June 2009 .. whooa lots of things happened in June 2009 ..
I'm a banana smoothie
You Are a Banana Smoothie |
You are friendly and popular without even trying to be. People just like you. You are easy to be around and never offend everyone. You're quite mild. You have a warm demeanor, and many people find you to be inviting. You are sympathetic and kind. You have a soft spot in your heart for everyone. |
Friday, July 3, 2009
congratz, downtime, and not anymore
Congratz to my sis who just finished her thesis and passed it with flying colors .. So happy for youu !! Okay now we can concentrate more on the wedding prep right ? ;;)
Yesterday I did feel down a little .. funny hah ? people would see me having everything; having wonderful family; loving husband; beautiful children; steady job; lovely house; and so on .. the list could grow longer and longer .. we never feel satisfied rite ?
I was just thinking how awful I was .. not having these .. and these .. I miss my friends back then ..
After my sis went home, I still feel down a little until my 3 YO asked me to go to bath at 9 pm .. Oh dear, it's late already .. but she insisted. Ok I didn't have the power to argue with her, she's still ON very ON !! so not possible to ask her to sleep .. I just did what she asked for, played with her hoping she'll be exhaustic and then go to sleep ..
First I turned on the water and filled the tub .. she's waiting .. and then jumped in .. woo hoo .. we laugh .. she's having a good time ..
and then afterwards .. she started looking sleepy .. I made her the milk .. then shed asked for a coffee .. o dearr ..
I said coffee after drinking her milk .. ok, she's sipping the milk until finished, and then asked for the coffee again ..
Alrite then, I opened up the cabinet looking for my java capuccino .. but couldn't find it .. Asking to myself ,'Dimana ya bunda taro coffee bunda?' My 3 YO then run into the other cabinet, tried to open it .. I helped her, and then she took the java capucino from the inside .. I'm speechless .. I'm thrilled .. 'Allahu Akbar, Kaysa pinter banget'.
Suddenly, I felt like I'm in the top of the world..
I want to treasure those moments .. how my children colored my world, with their cuteness, their symphaty, their pure thoughts .. I should learn more from them ..
Below are the pics of my daughter, taken after they're just awaken in the morning .. see their eyes ? and their sleepy head look .. so cuteeee!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
again, shafa 1 minggu
Duh, mulai addicted sama digiscrap niih .. mm dari dulu sih, tp sekarang tambah intense .. klo gak inget diri, aku mungkin keterusan donlod / beli2 kit yang lucu2 .. tp udah banyak nih stock kit, dan belum semuanya kepake .. :P Jadi, rem dulu kali yak .. kayak ada waktu aja buat ngescrapnya .. huehue ..
Ini nih, salah satu karyaku hari ini .. duh liat foto ini jd inget deh betapa dulu waktu bayi shafa tuh suka melenting2 badannya, meliuk2 .. apalagi klo lg gak dibedong .. sampe bingung aku ngegendongnya .. sekarang jg masih nih .. dia suka melenting ke belakang kayak mo salto gitu .. repot deh gendongnya .. apalagi klo malem2 dia kebangung dan musti dibikinin susu .. heboh deh, tangan kanan bikin susu, tangan kiri gendong dia .. apalagi klo dia mulai melenting2 ke belakang ..
Mm besok my sissy mo sidang s2 .. good luck ya sis .. aku doain dekkk .. jd inget dulu waktu mo sidang s1 .. wow it's like hari yang paling mendebarkan .. selain umptn, pengumuman umptn .. hari2 interview pertama kerja, dan hari2 mendebarkan lainnya .. it was those times when I had butterfly in my stomach ..
PS : gak tau kenapa perutku rada2 gassy kayak maag gitu dari semalem (dari tadi sendawa terus td pagi jg sempet rada diare) .. udah lama gak kayak gini .. apa gara2 makan santen ya ? (ada lodeh di menu hari ini dan kemaren)